Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod
The CR10 range covers most UK coarse rod applications and will prove extremely popular for both commercial and natural venues. The high quality blanks are constructed from a blend of 40 and 36 ton carbon and this provides rods that are lightweight, slim and strong. The components used are of the highest quality including AAA cork, Fuji guides, Fuji reels seats and the finish is simply stunning! Compare these rods to other higher priced brands with similar specification and quality and you will confirm that Cadence rods display amazing value for money. Also be assured that your purchase will help get more kids outdoors and fishing – Go Fishing, Give Back!
About the Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod #0
Developed at the request of our Brand Ambassadors and customers who wanted a softer version of our 14ft Match Rods. The CR10 14ft Match Rod #0 comes with a fine hollow tip and a progressive action, great when fishing with small hooks and light lines. It gives you the confidence to land fish without any hook pulls. It also has plenty of power for any bigger, bonus fish.
Weight (G) | Casting Weight | Max Line Rating | Pieces | Ideal Reel Size |
175 | 1-10g | 6lb | 3 | 4000 |
About the Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod #1
As technology has developed and rod building materials have become lighter, the popularity of 14ft float rods has soared and the Cadence range includes three models with the No1 being the lightest actioned. But whilst it has a forgiving fast taper tip action, there is still enough backbone for this rod to subdue bonus fish like barbel, chub or carp. Wonderfully balanced, the fact this is a best-seller tells you everything about its user-friendliness. Ideal for stick float , waggler and slider fishing.
Weight (G) | Casting Weight | Max Line Rating | Pieces | Ideal Reel Size |
182 | 1-15g | 6lb | 3 | 4000 |
About the Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod #2
Perfectly balanced, a terrific fast action blank from tip to middle section and with hidden reserves of power, this is the perfect rod for targeting better sized fish whilst having enough forgiveness to handle smaller silver fish without any fear of bumping them off. Designed for more powerful rivers like the Severn and Wye, it also makes a great bagging rod on commercials and enables better line control and puts you in control of any bonus fish hooked. Another winner.
Weight (G) | Casting Weight | Max Line Rating | Pieces | Ideal Reel Size |
185 | 2-20g | 6lb | 3 | 4000 |
About the Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod #3
Another valuable addition to any angler’s armoury and especially good for out and out big fish situations. The fact it is available in 14ft length means anglers can achieve great presentation on the float whilst safe in the knowledge that you have a very good chance of landing whatever you hook. Brilliant non-locking action means fewer lost fish. A serious piece of kit for people who take their fishing seriously!
Weight (G) | Casting Weight | Max Line Rating | Pieces | Ideal Reel Size |
188 | 2-30g | 8lb | 3 | 4000 |
About the Cadence CR10 14ft Match Rod #4
Our CR10 14ft #4 Match Rod is designed and built to cope with more extreme river fishing situations when you’re fishing a river where larger specimen fish lurk, you’ll be glad to have the power of the 14ft #4 to control and tame any leviathans from the deep.
It has all the characteristics you can expect from a Cadence Match Rod. A progressive parabolic action that’s sublime to play fish with and significantly reduces hook pulls. Don’t be fooled by the action. It has plenty of power in the butt section to handle large specimen fish such as barbel, chub, bream, carp and tench.
A must-have rod if you float fish on pacy, shallow, snaggy rivers or stillwaters for large specimens. The 14ft #4 gives you power and control while maintaining the finesse you need in a float fishing match rod.
Weight (G) | Casting Weight | Max Line Rating | Pieces | Ideal Reel Size |
205 | 5-35g | 8lb | 3 | 4000 |
About Cadence CR10 Match Fishing Rods
Fishing has moved on so much from 20 years ago when a match angler would typically carry two 13 foot match rods; one for light line work and a more powerful rod for bigger fish and fishing at greater distances.
And the Cadence CR10 match range reflects the diversity of venues, approaches, species and styles of fishing we all use to get the most from our sport.
So whether you want a soft-actioned 11ft rod for canal waggler fishing, a soft-actioned 12 or 13ft rod for picking off silvers and F1s on winter commercials, a 13 foot power float rod for big carp or chub on tight streams and rivers, through to a 16ft three-piece float rod for targeting barbel and chub with strong line and strong hooklengths, we have it covered – and then some.
The Cadence team are all dedicated, committed anglers, passionate about bringing out rods with the correct actions and capabilities for their specific tasks.
All of our rods are fit for purpose – designed by anglers, for anglers.
With our performance for less strategy, Cadence offers superb rods at fantastic price points. The bottom line is that this means you can afford to buy a rod that may only be used four or five times a year for a specific purpose, without breaking the bank.
Cadence – Go Fishing, Give Back!
- 40 / 36 Ton Carbon
- Fuji Alconite guides
- Fuji DPS-HPS Reel seat
- AAA Cork handles
Canne Cadence Anglaise CR10 14 pieds (4,20m) #0
Canne Cadence Anglaise CR10 14 pieds (4,20m) #1
Comme le niveau technique a évolué et que les matériaux sont devenus toujours plus légers, la popularité des modèles en 14 pieds (4,20 m) s’est accrue et cette gamme propose à present 4 modèles dont le N°1 a l’action la plus fine. Bien que son action soit légère, elle autorise de part sa réelle puissance, la maitrise de poissons “bonus” comme un gros barbeau, un gros chevesne ou encore une carpe. Remarquablement équilibrée, cette canne reste l’une de nos meilleures ventes, ce qui en dit long sur sa popularité! Elle est idéale pour tout type de flotteurs fixes ou coulissants.
Canne Cadence Anglaise CR10 14 pieds (4,20m) #2
Parfaitement équilibrée, cette canne a une action rapide fantastique de la pointe du scion jusqu’au milieu du blank avec une très grosse réserve de puissance. C’est la canne parfaite pour cibler tous les poissons rencontrés et pour toutes circonstances. Conçue au départ pour les rivières très puissantes, elle prouve à chaque sortie sa grande polyvalence sur tous types de plan d’eau. Encore une gagnante!
Canne Cadence Anglaise CR10 14 pieds (4,20m) #3
Une canne spécifique pour ceux qui ciblent les grosses prises et qui veulent compléter au maximum leur équipement! Elle est un outil précieux sur cette longueur de 4,20 m pour optimiser les lancers, la presentation du flotteur et pouvoir mettre à l’épuissette les plus belles prises. Elle est à coup sûr réservée à ceux qui cherchent un materiel de pointe.